O&O Software

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O&O BlueCon
Ein BlueScreen bedeutet in der Regel viel Arbeit für den Administrator. Im Ernstfall kommt er nicht darum herum, das System neu aufzusetzen. Unterstützung bietet da . hilft dem Administrator sowohl bei täglichen Routineaufgaben als auch im Havariefall. Basierend auf Windows PE ermöglicht es den Einsatz von zahlreichen Programmen, z.B. zur Systemreparatur, Fehlersuche und Beseitigung, Wiederherstellung verlorener Daten, Zurücksetzen von Kennwörtern und vieles mehr. Sie starten alle integrierten Programme direkt von dem Bootmedium (CD/DVD oder USB-Stick).
O&O MediaRecovery: Rescue Your photos, videos and music files.
O&O MediaRecovery rescues deleted multi-media files lost through virus attack, program crash or simply through pressing the wrong button. User-friendly: accidentally deleted multi-media files, such as baby photos, wedding photos or music, can be recovered directly from digital cameras, memory cards and USB Sticks. They must simply be supported by Windows as a drive. Preview function: After completion of a scanning process, you can view the files that are capable of being restored. The preview function of O&O MediaRecovery supports most picture formats, including JPEG, BMP, and TIF.
O&O DiskImage Server Edition
Regelmäßige Sicherungen von ganzen Servern gehören heutzutage bereits zu den Standardmaßnahmen, die Unternehmen zum Schutz ihrer Daten und ihrer Systemkonfigurationen ergreifen. bietet Ihnen darüber hinaus Funktionen, die Ihre Arbeit als Administrator erheblich vereinfachen. Dazu gehören unter anderem der Aufgabenassistent für die zeitgesteuerte Aufgabenverteilung und das neu integrierte Dateibackup für die Sicherung einzelner Dateien und Ordner. Das Bootmedium von O&O DiskImage, das selbst bei defekten Windows-Systemen eingesetzt werden kann, ist im Fall der Fälle oft die letzte Rettung für Ihre Unternehmensdaten.
O&O AutoBackup automatically backs up and synchronizes selected files and folders with an external backup device so that in the event of a data loss it can be accessed again immediately. No further application is needed – Windows Explorer alone will suffice. O&O AutoBackup can backup files and folders quickly and automatically. For example, if a user wants to backup their photos and videos onto an external USB stick then O&O AutoBackup not only copies the original files but also any future changes made to the files and/or directories. The backup process will start automatically whenever a removable device such as a USB Stick is connected to the computer. The files are copied exactly and put on the target disk so that they can also be accessed without O&O AutoBackup using the normal Windows Explorer.
O&O SafeErase
No chance for data spies! The fact of the matter is, data deleted using Windows is not really deleted! Unauthorized persons can still recover your digital pictures as well as your personal and company data, even if you formatted the disk beforehand. Protect yourself by using to permanently delete all data from your hard disk using scientifically recognized methods.
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Fragmentierte Dateien bremsen Ihre Server im Unternehmen und damit auch deren Verfügbarkeit aus. Die Festplattenzugriffe können, in Abhängigkeit vom Fragmentierungsgrad, nur sehr viel langsamer erfolgen, so dass wertvolle Zeit unnötig verloren geht. Die neue O&O Defrag 18 Server Edition optimiert die Festplatten Ihres Servers und fasst Dateifragmente sicher zusammen.
O&O PowerPack
Das enthält vier Tools zum Sichern, Schützen, Beschleunigen und Synchronisieren der Daten. Performanceverbesserungen während der täglichen Arbeit und Erhöhung der Lebensdauer der Festplatte; die Sicherheit, auch im Falle eines Systemabsturzes oder Datenverlustes auf gesicherte Daten zurückgreifen zu können; Verhinderung von Datenspionage bei Verkauf oder Rückgabe von Hardware und automatische Synchronisation der Dateien und Ordner.
O&O DiskImage
Maximum Data Security! Create images and restore entire systems quickly and easily. offers reliable protection from unforeseen data loss. All standard and professional functions are bundled up in one product. Automated, as well as individual settings are possible. Thanks to the Start CD, which includes additional system rescue tools, you will quickly have all your important data available again – even, if Windows does not start up anymore.
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O&O PowerPack
The O&O Power Pack contains 4 award-winning O&O tools that all Windows PCs need. With O&O Power Pack your PC gets performance improvements during the daily work and an increase in the lifespan of the hard disk. It gets 24-hour security, even in the event of a system crash or data loss, with synchronized data backup. It also prevents theft of your data upon sale or redemption of hardware! O&O DiskImage, O&O Defrag, O&O SafeErase and O&O AutoBackup - a winning team together in one pack!
O&O DiskImage offers reliable protection
Create images and restore entire systems quickly and easily. from unforeseen data loss. All standard and professional functions are bundled up in one product. Automated, as well as individual settings are possible. Thanks to the Start CD, which includes additional system rescue tools, you will quickly have all your important data available again – even, if Windows does not start up anymore.
O&O Defrag
Maximum performance for your computer! Fragmentation can cause your computer to slow down drastically. When saving data, the operating system scatters fragments all over the hard disk and this slows down the time needed for accessing files. merges the individual fragments so that files are then positioned consecutively on the hard disk. Your system will start faster, running programs will be speeded up, and new fragmentation can be avoided! Pro: Multiple Awards won. No. 1 seller in Europe (defragmentation programs).
Maximum performance for your PC with O&O Defrag 15 Professional Edition
Do not wait too long! If you work on computers a lot, then slow system and program starts, endless rendering and memory processes, or even system crashes when playing can quickly ruin your enjoyment. Defragmenting your PC can hugely accelerate the speed you can work on your PC. When you defragment, those files fragmented across the hard disk are logically rearranged so that files can be quickly recognized and processed by the hardware. Performance gains of up to 100% are not uncommon!
O&O BlueCon
A blue screen usually means a lot of work for administrators. When things get really bad, there's no other choice but to configure a new system setup. And this is where comes in. is at an administrator's side during the course of a daily routine as well as whenever disaster strikes. Based on Windows PE, it offers a wide range of programs for, among other things, repairing systems, searching and correcting errors, restoring lost data, resetting passwords, and the list goes on. is an administrator's IT first aid kit for day to day use.
O&O AutoBackup
sichert und synchronisiert automatisch ausgewählte Dateien und Ordner mit einem externen Sicherungsmedium, so dass im Falle eines Datenverlustes sofort auf diese Daten zugegriffen werden kann. Hierfür ist keine zusätzliche Anwendung notwendig, der Windows-Explorer reicht aus. kann Dateien und Verzeichnisse schnell und automatisch sichern. Möchte ein Anwender beispielsweise seine Fotos und Videos auf einer externen USB-Festplatte sichern, dann übernimmt nicht nur die Originaldateien, sondern auch alle Änderungen, die zukünftig an den Dateien und Verzeichnissen vorgenommen werden. So werden neu hinzukommende Fotos automatisch gesichert, ohne dass eine weitere Interaktion des Anwenders notwendig ist. Der Sicherungsvorgang startet automatisch immer dann, wenn der Datenträger für die Sicherung – in diesem Beispiel die USB-Festplatte – an den Rechner angeschlossen wird.
O&O DiskImage Server Edition
Creating images of entire servers is one of the standard measures currently taken by companies for protecting their data and system configurations. takes this once step further by providing features that make your job as an Administrator significantly easier. Among these features is a Job Assistant for remotely allocating jobs and the newly integrated file backup for individual files and folders. The O&O DiskImage bootable CD or USB Stick, which can be used even under defective Windows systems, is often the very last hope for your company's data when trouble strikes.
O&O Defrag 18 Professional Edition
Multiple Awards won. No. 1 seller in Europe (defragmentation programs).
O&O Defrag 18 Server Edition
Fragmented hard disks put the brakes on the servers in a company and as a result have an adverse affect on productivity. The level of fragmentation proportionally increases the time needed for accessing a hard disk. This in turn increases the amount of valuable time lost by each and every employee. The new for Windows servers optimizes your hard disk and packs file fragments securely back together again.
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