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Discover our Barbie-inspired jewelry. Embrace the spirit of Barbie with our enchanting name necklaces, personalized initial pendants, bold hoops, and bright gemstones.
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A personalized bracelet gives room to eternalize unforgettable moments. Whether it is a gift for a nearest and dearest or for yourself, choose a customization that preserves a memory forever. These heartfelt symbols allow one to make today's little moments become tomorrow's precious memories. Tell your story of joyful moments through MYKA's charming bracelets that last a lifetime.
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A personalized name necklace gives room to eternalize unforgettable moments. Whether it is a gift for a nearest and dearest or for yourself, MYKA's necklaces offer a customization that preserves a memory for a lifetime. With a broad range of beautiful necklaces, at MYKA you will find a piece that both effortlessly goes with any outfit and serves a memory of the special highlights you cherish.
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Fill birthday with love with a personalized necklace, bracelet or ring that can be customized with anything from birthstones to names, dates, text - a gift that symbolizes that together we have it all. For your first friend, best friend, forever friend, MYKA's personalized jewelry collection has the most meaningful pieces that all your loved one can wear and cherish for many years to come.
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MYKA Bijoux personnalisés
Pour la fête des mères, montrez votre amour à maman avec un collier qui peut être personnalisé avec des pierres d'anniversaire ou le nom de ses enfants... Un cadeau qui symbolise qu'ensemble, nous formons un tout. Pour celle qui sera toujours votre meilleure amie, la collection de colliers MYKA pour mamans propose des bijoux d'exception qu'elle pourra porter et chérir pendant de nombreuses années.
Personalized photo pic jewelry custom made for you add pops of color and meaningful symbols to your everyday look. MYKA's Picture Necklace & Jewelry pieces are thoughtful empowering gifts for your dearest and for yourself.
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Ein personalisiertes Armband schafft die Gelegenheit, unvergessliche Momente zu verewigen. Ganz gleich, ob es sich um ein Geschenk für einen nahen Verwandten oder für Sie selbst handelt, wählen Sie eine individuell gestaltete Kreation, die Erinnerungen für immer festhält. Diese aufrichtigen und von Herzen stammenden Symbole verwandeln jeden kleinen Moment von heute in eine kostbare Erinnerung von morgen. Erzählen Sie Ihre Geschichte von glücklichen Momenten mit den zauberhaften Armbändern von MYKA, die ein ganzes Leben lang halten.
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Each anniversary is a unique and special date for each couple. Choose a gift from the collection of anniversary jewelry that MYKA offers you and surprise your partner in the best possible way.
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Give something unique and meaningful this Father's Day. Choose a bracelet or necklace to personalize with his children's names. Jewelry is a timeless gift that he will treasure for many years to come.
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Fine, personalized rings that add elegant style, and are perfect for stacking and to build your own treasure trove of rings with. MYKA's rings could be both subtle and captivating, and they are a definite crowd pleasers. The pieces are perfect gifts for your loved ones, or to treat yourself with a meaningful piece of everyday jewelry.
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MYKA truly makes jewelry for everyone, and for every occasion. Whether you're treating yourself or thoughtfully gifting, you are designing something special that establishes a meaningful bond. Each MYKA piece touches the hands and hearts of an entire team. Experienced craftspeople hand craft fine versatile jewelry that bridge fashion and intimacy. From sterling silver to gold, lab-grown diamond to birthstones, at MYKA you could always find something to cherish for yourself and the ones you hold dear.
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Fill mum's day with love with a personalised necklace that can be customized with anything from birthstones to children's names, a gift that symbolizes that together we have it all. For your first friend, best friend, forever friend, MYKA's mother necklace collection has the most meaningful pieces that she can wear and cherish for many years to come.
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Celebrate your everlasting love with personalized anniversary gifts for her. Find the perfect intimate wedding anniversary gifts for your milestone, and make it special by adding your own unique personal touch.
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Un bijou personnalisé en cadeau d'anniversaire à un être cher ! Offrez un collier, un bracelet ou une bague que vous pouvez personnaliser avec des pierres de naissance, ou un plusieurs prénoms, des dates clés ou un message...Un cadeau unique témoin de votre amour , de votre amitié, de votre relation et votre amour.
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Personalized birthstones add pops of color and meaningful symbols to your everyday look. MYKA's Birthstone pieces are thoughtful empowering gifts for your dearest and for yourself. MYKA's custom jewelry varies from necklaces to bracelets with hand-selected birthstone pendants, cut, and set for the daily that make styling a breeze. The jewelry carries the birthstones of the ones own you hold dear which makes it special and intimate.
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MYKA'S beautiful selection of children's jewelry is fun for all ages. These handcrafted designs made with high quality materials make special gifts. Fill them with delight through boys' jewelry and girls' jewelry that they are sure to cherish forever.
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Fill mom's day with love with a personalized necklace that can be customized with anything from birthstones to children's names, a gift that symbolizes that together we have it all. For your first friend, best friend, forever friend, MYKA's mother necklace collection has the most meaningful pieces that she can wear and cherish for many years to come.
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Feiern Sie diesen Valentinstag mit einem Geschenk, das sie nicht vergessen werden! Kaufen Sie MYKAs stilvollen personalisierten Schmuck für Sie und Ihn.
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An initial necklace is a way to represent all that is you. It carries the initial of your first or last name or maybe a loved one. This special piece is worthy of everyday wear and will always be a classic staple to your wardrobe or your loved ones'. MYKA's necklaces are both subtle and alluring. These gorgeous pieces accent any outfit and is a reminder of a letter that could mean so much more. A perfect gift for others or for yourself to keep.
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Überschütten Sie den Geburtstag mit Liebe – ob mit einer personalisierten Halskette, einem Armband oder Ring, die mit Geburtssteinen, Namen, Daten oder Text personalisiert werden können – ein einzigartiges Geschenk, das die Verbundenheit der Menschen, die einander vervollständigen, versinnbildlicht. Sei es für den ersten oder besten Freund, oder gar für den ewigen Freund – die personalisierte Schmuckkollektion von MYKA umfasst die bedeutungsvollsten Stücke, die Ihre Liebsten über Jahre hinweg tragen können und schätzen werden.
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Fill birthday with love with a personalised necklace, bracelet or ring that can be customized with anything from birthstones to names, dates, text - a gift that symbolizes that together we have it all. For your first friend, best friend, forever friend, MYKA's personalised Jewellery collection has the most meaningful pieces that all your loved one can wear and cherish for many years to come.
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No matter the distance this year, whether celebrating together or apart, Mother's Day is unstoppable. It is important to send your greatest wishes to the best Mom out there and to give a gift like no other, honoring her for all that she is.
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MYKA fabrique vraiment des bijoux pour tout le monde et pour toutes les occasions. Que vous vous fassiez plaisir ou que vous fassiez un cadeau réfléchi, vous concevez quelque chose de spécial qui établit un lien significatif. Chaque pièce MYKA touche les mains et le cœur de toute une équipe. Des artisans expérimentés fabriquent à la main des bijoux raffinés et polyvalents qui allient mode et intimité. De l'argent sterling à l'or, du diamant de laboratoire aux pierres de naissance, chez MYKA, vous trouverez toujours quelque chose à chérir pour vous et ceux qui vous sont chers.
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Célébrez cette Saint-Valentin avec un cadeau qu'ils n'oublieront pas ! Achetez les élégants bijoux personnalisés de MYKA pour elle et lui.
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The special significance of birth flowers, much like that of birthstones, is specific to each month in which they are assigned. Learn more what is birth flower jewelry.
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Go bold and gold with MYKA'S personalized gold necklaces. Valuable and durable, explore a collection that embodies the modern, yet classic appeal. The gold collection will leave you looking ever so elegant, and go along with any fit!
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